Scaling (Dental Cleaning)

Scaling (Dental Cleaning)

Optimize your oral health with professional dental cleaning at West Side Dental Clinic in Saint John. Our scaling procedure involves the meticulous removal of hardened plaque and calculus from teeth and pockets around them. Even with excellent at-home oral care, plaque can persist, requiring professional removal with dental instruments. Our hygienists go beyond traditional cleanings by assessing pocket depths, mobility, recession levels, and the overall health of the tissues supporting your teeth. Based on this comprehensive evaluation, we provide personalized recommendations for at-home care and hygiene schedules tailored to your unique needs.

Professional scaling not only ensures a cleaner and healthier smile but also plays a crucial role in preventing the progression of gum disease and maintaining the longevity of your teeth. Trust our experienced team to deliver top-notch scaling services, personalized to address your specific oral health requirements.

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